Before filing, it is essential to discover in advance how to rebuild credit after bankruptcy. However, understanding credit score and credit repair take more than average knowledge of bankruptcy law and its process. If this is your first time filing for bankruptcy, you need prudent legal advice from an experienced bankruptcy attorney.
By understanding bankruptcy deeply, the law office of Roach Bankruptcy Center, LLC can guarantee our excellent assistance. We are an experienced and reputable bankruptcy firm in Missouri that you can definitely rely on. We will thoroughly evaluate your circumstances and financial situation in order to ensure that your solutions will suit your case. Whether you are planning to file for Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 bankruptcy, speaking with us will guide you through the right choices. If you need assistance, request a free initial consultation now!
Why do I need a Bankruptcy Attorney in Missouri?
Rebuilding your credit score is something that you should not take lightly. A bad credit score can have more severe consequences than you might imagine. To save yourself from this, you need to choose the best bankruptcy attorney to handle the confusing bankruptcy process for you. Before hiring, consider the following good qualities of a bankruptcy attorney:
- Quick To Offer Solutions – If you are undecided about filing a bankruptcy petition, it is unavoidable that you will keep thinking about it. You deserve a bankruptcy attorney who acts fast, finds solutions quickly, and provides accurate answers. Every bankruptcy filer doesn’t deserve to wait for too long before getting answers.
- Has deep knowledge in bankruptcy – You should hire the best bankruptcy lawyer because you are dealing with bankruptcy issues. If you need a lawyer who can provide accurate information about all your questions, choose someone who has deep knowledge in bankruptcy.
- One-of-a-kind experience – Other than having decades of experience, take your time to thoroughly evaluate the law firm’s competence. Look for someone who graduated from law school with numerous notable accomplishments.
Ever since, Attorney Jason Roach has remained consistent, even when he was a law student at the University of Missouri Kansas City’s School of Law. Back with more than 20 years of experience in bankruptcy, our legal team has helped thousands of individuals in Missouri. We will surely do whatever it takes to produce sound legal advice. If you have questions about a good credit score, interest rate, or credit utilization, book a free initial consultation now!
What is Credit Score vs. Credit Report?
When a lender or creditor is trying to offer you a car loan, mortgage, credit card debt, or any other type of credit, it will look directly at your credit score. Some creditors will, in fact, review your credit report too. What is the difference between these two?
A credit report is a compilation of the essential information about you, such as your credit amounts, your real property, your employment, and other things. On the other hand, a credit score is a number that the credit score company assigns to you. In other words, it is a calculation that stipulates the possible risk when you have late payments. Generally speaking, the higher the credit score is, the lesser the chance that you will be in default and the better the credit risk.
These two legal terms are typically intertwined. Your credit score is based on the personal information stated in your credit report. This means that if you have a good credit report, you will have a good credit score. You can enhance your credit score by improving the data stated in your credit report.
If you are currently dealing with financial challenges, such as late payments, default payments, and bankruptcy foreclosure, your credit score and credit report will be affected. Taking actions to boost your payment history and prove stability in your employment will improve your credit. However, your credit reports may have mistakes that make your credit seem worse than it is. Thus, evaluating them thoroughly and correcting them can help you rebuild your credit score.
What Are The Ways To Rebuilt Your Credit After Bankruptcy?
- Keep up with payments – Focus on paying your existing loans, including your credit cards, on time. This helps you in resstablishing your credit. Making payments on time is an effective way to prove that you are financially responsible. It is highly advisable to set up reminders for yourself and monitor your spending.
- Apply for a new line of credit – Putting a new line of credit in place can show your responsibility and commitment to making payments on time. In return, you will get a good credit score. However, the creditor will do a hard pull on your credit every time you apply for a new line. You may also apply for prequalification, which will put a soft pull on your credit. The types of credit includes secured credit cards, credit builder loans, and becoming an autthorized user on a credit card.
- Apply for an installment loan with a co-signer – If you are facing difficulties applying for a rental or loan agreement after filing for bankruptcy, utilizing a co-signer can help you qualify. The co-signer does not have any legal right to the financed property or loan funds, but they will be responsible for the remaining loan balance if you fail to make payments. Simultaneously, their credit rating and score will also be affected if you miss or default on your monthly payment.
- Be vigilant about job-hopping – As creditors normally look into your work history before granting your loan, securing a stable job with a fixed and consistent income can increase your chances of getting approved for a loan. This is because a steady job can make creditors more confident in your ability to repay the loan. While it is fine to switch jobs if you wish to, you have to keep in mind that having gaps in your income may make a negative impression on your creditors.
- Be mindful of your credit reports and credit scores – As soon as you got bankruptcy discharge, in the bankruptcy process, monitor your credit score to determine whether the changes were appropriately reported. Each year, you have the right to get a free copy of your credit report from credit reporting agencies, namely, TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax. Utilize this privilege and regularly assess your credit reports for missing or mistaken information. If you discover errors, you can immediately address the concern to the right credit reporting agency. As soon as the negative mark is removed, your credit score will increase.
- Be cautious about working with any credit repair company – Instead of paying a credit repair company, put your money into an emergency fund. You have to be mindful of your circumstances and habits and find ways to improve them. Credit repair institutions take on the heavy lifting of credit-building but charge fees. In order to pay your existing debts, you have to save your money.
Call our Kansas City Missouri Bankruptcy Attorney Now!
Rebuilding credit after bankruptcy is one of the most difficult concepts to grasp, especially if this is your first time filing. It is unavoidable to be bothered if you believe you have a poor credit history. While this is the case, contacting an experienced bankruptcy lawyer can still be beneficial.
Roach Bankruptcy Center, LLC has the qualities you would want as a debtor. You can put your worries to rest because we have bankruptcy experience for over 20 years. We will thoroughly examine your case and provide you with the advice you require based on our experience and knowledge. Other than rebuilding credit after bankruptcy, we can also assist you in filing for Chapter 13 and Chapter 7 bankruptcy. If you need assistance, schedule a free initial consultation now!